COULD we have a word with the artist?

an artistic multimedia platform coming to you in 2024

For so long, the pressures of corporate strategy, survival, consumerism, and instant gratification have incentivized ​artists of all disciplines to tether to brand strategies in the foreground while pushing the art of it all back. ​Emphasis on creating pieces that speak and music that inspires can easily be traded for goods and services that sell ​when the bills are due and the art has tariffs of its own.

These pressures feed families but starve the very souls who fell in love with creating in the first place.

Rather than letting the artists speak to their audience through their work and highlighting the intentionality ​behind their pieces, we've developed an entitlement, forcing the artist to be only who we need them to be — folding ​them into boxes they never hoped to fit into.

MANTRA is designed to connect humanity to the art that exists all around us with a deep respect for ​the people who make it.

We are committed to being a creator’s safe space — providing a platform where artists can showcase their talents ​authentically, fostering a genuine connection with art lovers, and upholding the integrity of this community while ​allowing artists' to reclaim the power to shape their relationships with their followers.

All this leaves us asking one question...


talk soon